
Competitor Monitoring Dashboard [deprecated by Google in September 2024 ]

7 ratings

Competitor Monitoring Dashboard [deprecated by Google in September 2024 ]

7 ratings

Here's how I track new competitors (including TEMU) in Google Search and help my clients stay competitive in the ad auction.

"How can this report help you:
✅ Get a complete list of your direct Google Ads competitors.
✅ Spot new competitors quickly (data updates daily).
✅ Check if your Brand and Generic Search Campaign bids are competitive.
✅ Estimate potential lost revenue due to lost rank and bid.

How can you use this information further?
™️ Decide if your brand campaign spend is justified (in case no one is bidding on your brand terms).
💲 Evaluate if you can afford to bid on all overlapping keywords with your competitors.
👀 Monitor your competitors across Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Google ad libraries.
✍🏼 Make a list of their USPs from their ads - what are they better at and how could you improve your service/product?

No dev work needed – this dashboard is a 1-click plug & play setup 🔌 🔋"

📣 Tag someone who could benefit from this and share the post to spread the word!

PS: Let me know if you have ideas to make this even better!"

If you are:
- An eCommerce business spending from $5-10k+ per month
- Or a Marketing Agency that needs audits/consulting help with clients
... feel free to DM me and let's talk! :)

This product is not currently for sale.

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